HTTP requests exercises

Turn your computer into a local server and use it for exercises on requests with the HTTP protocol.

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HTTP requests exercises

Installation and use

To host the server that allows you to perform the exercises you need to follow the following steps:

  • Install node.js in LTS version
  • Download the zip
  • Open the directory extracted from the zip using the terminal: cd your/directory/path
  • Write the command npm start

Once you have completed all the steps, open your browser at http://localhost:8080 and start verifying your abilities. In this page you can also find an example python file containing the solution of the first exercise.

Note that once the program has started it will be necessary to open a new terminal page in case you want to execute further commands.

Modifications of exercises and languages

You can easily edit the list of exercises in the data/ex.json file. If you want to contribute to the improvement of translations, you can proceed with the editing of the data/languages.json file and make a pull request.

Updates - beta testing


  • Improved usability
  • New file structure
  • Lighter download
  • Easy-to-view examples


  • Now English and Italian are both supported
  • Better code


  • Deleted some useless file
  • Bugfix


  • Fully renovated UI
  • You can now copy links
  • Tasks are now listed directly in the home page
  • Better instructions


  • Bugfix
  • Better UI
  • You can now check your progress in real time


  • Bugfix
  • Better UI